Learning Library Quick Answers Financial Aid Planning

When a student decides to go to college-what is considered the base year for the FAFSA?

Answer: The base year for both the FAFSA and the PROFILE is 2 years prior to the year the student will be entering college. Incom....

When a student does not live with either of the divorced parents how do you determine the custodial parent?

Answer: When a student does not live with either parent, then it comes down to their support. The parent that provided more suppor....

When admitted to a college, what are my chances of receiving financial aid?

Answer: Many colleges say they try and meet the full need of all admitted students. Some schools, however, will meet a student's n....

When do I begin repaying the PLUS loan?

Answer: Generally, repayment begins within 60 days after the final loan disbursement for the period of enrollment for which you bo....

When is a FAFSA filed for graduate school?

Answer: To qualify for any federal aid, including loans, you must file a FAFSA for grad school. If the client hasn't filed and is ....