Learning Library Quick Answers Financial Aid Planning

How can I get low-interest loans available to every student?

Answer: First, you must apply for need-based aid. If are ineligible for need based aid, or if it does not cover the entire cost of....

How can I have my eligibility for financial aid restored after I have previously defaulted on student loans?

Answer: You first need to find out the agency managing your loan. This can be done by calling the bank who borrowed you the money.....

How can I prepare for financial aid as a freshman high school student?

Answer: Here is a four step plan: (1) get good grades because better students oftenreceive better aid packages; (2) develop leader....

How do 529 plans, prepaid plans and Coverdell accounts affect financial aid eligibility?

Question: How do 529 plans, prepaid plans and Coverdell accounts affect financial aid eligibility? Answer: 529 college savings pl....

How do I report the value of an S corp on the FAFSA?

Scenario: A client is in a partnership S Corp with 150 employees. The corporation has 5 partners total. Do we use the value of the....