Learning Library Quick Answers Tax Planning

Is a MEC (Modified Endowment Contract) loan counted against my financial aid?

Scenario: When someone takes a MEC loan, earnings are taxed and penalized when a loan is taken. Does this have to be treated on th....

Is a penalty incurred when cashing 529 monies prior to college?

Answer: The funds must be rolled over to a new 529 plan within 60 days or the amount will be subject to tax and penalty on the ear....

Is an education tax credit available for the cost of a high school student taking college classes before graduating from high school?

Answer: The cost of college classes taken while a student is attending high school may qualify for the education tax credit if the....

Is interest on a home equity line of credit tax deductible?

Scenario: Is the interest on a home equity line of credit tax deductible if itis used to pay off credit card debt and other non-ho....

Is the 1.163-10T(o)(5) a one time election?

Answer: It is a one time election for that particular loan. Once the election is made for those loan proceeds, it can not change. ....